骂人王者菜的句子 既文明又骂人解气的话

热度:0鲜花:0鸡蛋:021年11月13日 05:15
菜字 你厉害才能匹配到我。
Don"t take one dish at a time. You"re good enough to match me.
二,你和小兵的区别就是你会打字 你知道吗。
The difference between you and the soldier is that you can type, you know.
三,团战不来 你去哪修仙去了。
The group battle is not coming. Where did you go to repair the fairy.

 骂人王者菜的句子 既文明又骂人解气的话

Don"t you want to leave the defense tower as a place of historic interest?
五,你怎么不买装备 留着买英雄啊。
Why don"t you buy the equipment and keep the hero.
六,你适合玩庄周 活在梦里你知道吗。