
热度:0鲜花:0鸡蛋:021年10月25日 09:24
抖音文案 1`不要丧啦 说不定你也是别人心中偷偷藏起来的光
Don"t be sad.Maybe you are the light hidden in other people"s heart 
2`活着本来没有什么意义 但是只要活着就可以找到有趣的事情 就像你发现了花我又发现了你一样
Living is meaningless, but as long as you live, you can find interesting things, just as you found flowers and I found you

3`人生很多事 就像智齿 最佳的解决方式 是拔掉  而不是 忍受
 A lot of things in life are like wisdom teeth. The best solution is to pull them out rather than endure them
4`我的迷茫和胆怯一直都在 但我告诉自己 就算是万丈深渊 走下去 也是前程万里
My confusion and timidity have always been there, but I told myself that even if it is a deep abyss, it is a long way to go
The world is healed by those who are willing to help themselves
6`世界上美好的东西不太多 立秋傍晚吹来的风 和笑起来要命可爱的你
There are not many beautiful things in the world, the wind blowing in the evening of autumn, and you who are so cute and laughing